Learn to Sail

Since the mid-1940s MYC has developed a rich history of producing State, National and International champions.  This tradition of sailing development continues through our training programs, designed for people who want to learn to sail, whether to race competitively or simply to have fun on the water in a friendly environment.

School Holiday Intro to Sailing Course

MYC runs 5 day sailing courses during the school holidays. Open to school aged children with recommended minimum age of 10 years.  

The next course will run during the Sept/Oct 2025 school holidays.

Bookings are not yet open.  Email secretary@maylandsyachtclub.org.au if you would like to be notified when bookings open.


Sunday Morning Learn to Sail

Our All Ages Learn to Sail Program (great for parent and child too!) sails on Sunday mornings. This 9-week course is designed for beginners and those with little sailing experience. Training officially starts at 9am, though some sailors arrive earlier to help rig the boats and get on the water as soon as possible. Training sessions conclude around 12pm, followed by defriefs and lunch, making way for the afternoon racing at 2pm. 

The Learn to Sail program is currently running.  The next intake will be in October 2025. 

Bookings are not yet open.  Email secretary@maylandsyachtclub.org.au if you would like to be notified when bookings open.

Training Fleet (formerly known as Bronze Fleet)

The Training Fleet is designed for all sailors who have completed a Learn to Sail program or have comparable sailing experience. Open to full club members at no cost, it provides a flexible path for sailors to build confidence, develop skills, and prepare for racing conditions.

While the Learn to Sail course is the recommened entry point, the Training Fleet welcomes sailors of all skill levels, with sessions adapted to individual needs. Training covers from essential boat handling, to more advanced sailing techniques and race strategies, ensuring progression for every sailor. We encourage new sailors in the Training Fleet to participate in club races, especially on short course race days.

Training Fleet sessions are typically held on Sundays, with additional sessions scheduled on Saturdays and Wednesdays, depending on demand.

Club boats are available for Training Fleet sailors to use if they do not have their own, subject to availability.

For more details or to join the Training Fleet as a new club member, please contact us at secretary@maylandsyachtclub.org.au.


Training Boat Classes

Sailors of the Learn to Sail and School Holidays programs are coached on Mirror dinghies (two sailors per boat).  The Club also owns Lasers, Minnows, and a Pacer available when appropriate for the trainee's skills. 

All club boats are available to the Training Fleet when they are not in use by the Learn to Sail program, which has priority on Sunday mornings.


Get Involved: Family and Volunteer Contributions

We welcome assistance from the families and supporters of trainees, as well as club volunteers. For example, parents or partners may participate as a support boat driver, assist with junior training, or help in the canteen.

Instructors hold a Working with Children Check.